On-Site First Aid Training Edinburgh

Choose from our wide array of flexible on-site training options, allowing you the freedom to select any of our venues for your course. The cost is £495 + VAT

Course Overview

🏢 Onsite First Aid Training for Companies and Groups in Edinburgh

Our specialised Onsite First Aid Training is tailored to cater to companies and groups in Edinburgh who prefer to conduct their first aid training at their venue. We understand the importance of convenience and cost-effectiveness, so our program accommodates groups of up to 12 learners, ensuring a seamless learning experience without additional travel or accommodation expenses.

Benefits of Onsite First Aid Training:

✅ All-Inclusive: Our comprehensive package covers everything required for up to 12 participants at a competitive price.
✅ Flexible Sessions: We offer the flexibility of multiple sessions to accommodate the specific scheduling needs of your organisation.
✅ Customised for Your Company: Tailor the training plan to align perfectly with the unique requirements of your business.
✅ Team Building Opportunity: Engage your staff in an enjoyable and informative training experience that fosters team bonding while familiarising them with company policies and essential processes.
✅ HSE Recognised Qualification: Our training program provides a qualification recognised by the Health and Safety Executive, ensuring the competence of your employees.
✅ Legal Compliance: Rest assured that your training program meets all applicable laws and regulatory standards.
✅ Highly Qualified Instructors: Benefit from the expertise of our experienced and knowledgeable instructors dedicated to delivering top-notch training.

Onsite First Aid Topics 💡

Our comprehensive Onsite First Aid Training covers various essential topics to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to respond effectively to emergencies and potentially save lives. The topics covered include:

1️⃣ Emergency Care: Learn how to assess and manage various types of emergencies, including understanding the priority of care and immediate actions.
2️⃣ Treatment of Minor Injuries: Knowledge of handling common minor injuries, such as cuts, scrapes, and minor burns, to provide appropriate first aid.
3️⃣ Managing Burns: Understand the different types of burns and how to administer proper first aid to minimize damage and promote healing.
4️⃣ Handling Cuts and Bruises: Learn how to clean, dress, and care for cuts and bruises to prevent infection and further complications.
5️⃣ Proper Bandaging Techniques: Master applying various bandages for injuries, ensuring proper support and protection.
6️⃣ Utilizing Ice and Heat Treatment: Understand when and how to use ice and heat for pain relief and injury management.
7️⃣ Managing Swelling and Providing Pain Relief: Learn techniques to reduce swelling and effectively manage pain in various situations.
8️⃣ Responding to Fainting and Unconsciousness: Acquire the skills to recognize and respond promptly to individuals who have fainted or lost consciousness.
9️⃣ CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)🫁: Learn the life-saving technique of CPR to maintain blood flow and provide oxygen to someone experiencing cardiac arrest.
🔟 AED (Automated External Defibrillator): Understand how to use an AED safely and effectively to restore normal heart rhythm in case of sudden cardiac arrest.
1️⃣1️⃣ Assisting Choking Victims: Acquire the skills to assist someone choking and perform the Heimlich manoeuvre appropriately.
1️⃣2️⃣ Life-Saving Techniques: Learn additional life-saving techniques, such as recovery position and essential airway management, to stabilize individuals in critical situations.

🌟 Safeguard Your Workforce and Equip Them with Essential First Aid Skills.

Onsite First Aid Training for Companies and Groups in Edinburgh - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is Onsite First Aid Training? Onsite First Aid Training is a specialized program designed to provide first aid training directly at the venue of companies or groups in Edinburgh. This training caters to groups of up to 12 learners and offers a cost-effective solution for organizations to educate their staff in workplace compliance standards without incurring additional travel and accommodation expenses.

2. Who can benefit from Onsite First Aid Training? Any company or group in Edinburgh that desires to equip its employees or members with essential first-aid skills can benefit from this training. It is precious for businesses seeking to enhance workplace safety and compliance or organizations aiming to empower their members to respond effectively to emergencies.

3. How many participants can be accommodated in the training? The Onsite First Aid Training can cater to groups of 12 learners. This allows for personalized attention and interactive learning, ensuring that each participant gains practical knowledge and hands-on experience.

4. What are the benefits of Onsite First Aid Training? The benefits of Onsite First Aid Training include:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Eliminates the need for travel and accommodation expenses by conducting the training at your own venue.
  • Tailored Training: The program can be customized to align with your company or group's specific needs and requirements.
  • Team Building Opportunity: Participants can engage in a fun and informative training experience, fostering team bonding while learning life-saving skills.
  • HSE Recognized Qualification: Our training program provides a qualification recognized by the Health and Safety Executive.
  • Legal Compliance: Ensures that your organization's first aid training adheres to the law and regulatory standards.

5. What topics are covered in the training? The Onsite First Aid Training encompasses a comprehensive range of essential topics, including but not limited to:

  • Emergency Care
  • Treatment of Minor Injuries
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises
  • Bandaging Techniques
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
  • AED (Automated External Defibrillator) usage
  • Choking Assistance
  • Recovery Position
  • Basic Airway Management
  • And more

6. Are the instructors qualified and experienced? Yes, the Onsite First Aid Training instructors in Edinburgh are highly qualified and experienced in delivering first-aid training. They possess the necessary certifications and expertise to ensure a thorough and practical learning experience for all participants.

7. How can I schedule the training for my company or group? You can contact our training team via phone or email to schedule the Onsite First Aid Training for your company or group in Edinburgh. We will work with you to find suitable dates and develop a training plan that meets your requirements.

8. Is the training certification valid nationwide? Yes, the certification obtained from our Onsite First Aid Training program is recognized nationwide. It complies with industry standards and guidelines, making it applicable across various workplaces and organizations nationwide.

9. How long is the training program? The duration of the training program can vary depending on the specific needs and customization required for your company or group. Typically, the training can be conducted in one or multiple sessions, ranging from a few hours to a full day.

10. What should participants bring to the training? Participants are advised to bring a notepad and pen for taking notes during the training. Our team will provide

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We guarantee the best value first aid at work courses in Edinburgh. we promise to price match any like for like course.

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Course Type

Our first aid courses are available either as public courses or on-site courses for groups of up to 12 people. on-site courses are priced at £495 per day and include training manuals and certification.

Certification icon


On completion of your course you will receive an industry recognised certificate from the first aid industry board (FAIB).

FAIB Accredited First Aid Courses

The First Aid Industry Body (FAIB) is a trade body for the first-aid sector that sets guidelines for qualifications. To be accepted by the FAIB, you must show evidence of high-quality first-aid training and quality management standards. The FAIB is a well-established organisation that regulates hundreds of training institutions across the country.

FOFATO Members

We are affiliated with the Federation of First Aid Training Organizations (FOFATO).

The FOFATO was created to raise the standards of First Aid and, as a result, raise public awareness of the profession. Since 2007, the HSE has recognized the FOFATO as the main consulting organisation in matters regarding First Aid.

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